Make Up Not War is Ellis Faas' microsite, which showcases all of the good work that it is helping War Child to do (one Ellis Faas auction this month raised a cool €4k).
Its latest campaign is called Share A Kiss, which seeks to harness the power of Instagram in encouraging people to Make Up Not War. Kiss into the camera (perhaps using an Ellis Faas lipstick!), blow a kiss, or pass the kiss on however you like, using the hashtags #kisstomakeupnotwar, #MUNWChallenge, #ellisfaas and #warchild. You could even win a book showcasing Ellis Faas' work, signed especially for you!
As mentioned, you could use an Ellis Faas lipstick to participate in this challenge - perhaps their limited edition Hot Lip (which is cruelty-free and vegan) might suffice? The sale of each lipstick also enables War Child to keep one child from a war zone safe from harm for three months. Pick yours up here.
But if lipstick's not your thing, there's also the Ellis Faas t-shirt, from which the proceeds support a vulnerable child for six weeks. (Buy yours here!) Or failing that - donate direct.
There are lots of great causes out there, and this one's definitely up there in terms of being worthy of your consideration.
Big kiss!